About A Writer's Edge

The purpose of A Writer's Edge has always been to help writers achieve their dreams and goals, as well as show off my skills, such as they are. To this end, I created Writing Help; then another page specific to editorial needs, from proofreading through line or copy editing to critiques and ghostwriting; and one with credits and identification verification.

From the first, I dedicated the site to the English language as expressed in words, writing and books. I also value living honestly and openly, which translates to "transparency" on the Internet. This required a resume (too stiff and boring) and then a biography (too personal?) At Hancock Websites, you can see an even older, general resume.

A little silly history:  the website began as an experiment in June 2004. The goal was to write blog posts that would cause Google's AdSense service to deliver high-cost keyword advertising. That's just one example of the backwards thinking that the web requires. You must, as Stephen Covey writes, "begin with the end in sight." In the beginning, the AdSense part was a flop, but the blog took off.

About Georganna Hancock, M. S.

I was born with a pencil in my mouth instead of the cliché silver spoon. I started writing before I went to kindergarten at age four. Because my name was so long, however, it kept running off the edge of the paper. Writing professors at Northwestern University tried to discourage me, but I disregarded their advice and proceeded to win awards for both poetry and journalism in addition to photography.

Writing for Magazines and Journals

Four decades later, I still scribble. My work has appeared in San Diego's The Byte Buyer, ComputorEdge, Personal Systems (print and online), The Forum, The Mensan, The Writer's Life and Training and Development. A few magazine credits include Family Circle, Highlights for Children, Bon Appetit, Offshore, Redbook, Sea Frontiers, and the international publication Military Life.

News Writing

My news reporting and feature articles appeared in The Miami Herald, The Indianapolis Star, and The Louisville Courier-Journal, to name a few of the major periodicals. I also contributed to many regional and local publications in the US. I was a news and features staff writer and photographer, radio news reporter, newsletter editor and writer, and I have prepared many public relations pieces for a wide variety of clients.

Content Provider

After scratching out numerous poems, two novels, and countless news articles and features, I now enjoy the electronic era and expanded my writing skills to include website creation, content development and blogging. I have been a regular contributor to the mailing lists for WebSanDiego and Publish-L and to The Writer's Life newsletter for the San Diego Writers/Editors Guild. I also moderated an online community on Writer's Block at Orkut, and owned and moderated another.

Social media and blogs are my latest interest.  My blog, A Writer's Edge is archived here and I contributed to LockerGnome, the Niner Niner weblog network, and I'm a writer for BlogCritics. My ebooks, reviews and writing guides are available from Amazon. Visit my Author Page which also displays @GLHancock Reviews, my blog that reviews books for writers. You can find my publications in a general Amazon search on my name and the Kindle Store.